Thanks to a little help from our sump pump, we got some motivation to rebuild our basement this spring. One of the major updates included re-purposing some old kitchen cabinets as the base for a new bar. Building the bar was relatively easy. Deciding on the bar top, however, was a different story.
Our original plan was to use black granite tiles for the bar top and back bar. After spending a few hundred dollars on tile and laying it all out, I managed to tip over the back bar and crack a good number of the tiles. That was the first omen. Then, sitting at the bar with the granite one night I realized how cold and hard granite feels and we decided it was not a very good surface for our bar.
Luckily for me, Oksana has an incredible eye for design and unique styles. She came up with the idea for making a penny bar top and it turned out better than I ever imagined. Her theme is Moroccan, with a euro style that's cleaner than the traditional heavily layered Moroccan designs.
Check out all the pics on my Flickr feed.