I'm still searching for the perfect country wine (fruit other than grape) recipe, but I've found a few that are definitely keepers. The great thing about these wines is that they mature faster than red grape wines (Pinot Noir, Cabernet, etc.) so they are drinkable pretty early. About the longest I've been able to wait before drinking them is 9 months, and at that stage they are really nice. Since non-grape juices don't have tannin, it's easy to make a very drinkable wine that appeals to lots of people. And while I'm drinking those, I can let my Pinot Noir or other reds age.
Apple / Raspberry
This is one of my first recipes, and it's been one of the easiest and most popular. It's made from store bought frozen juice concentrate, but when made properly compares favorably to a $10-15 bottle of Pinot Grigio.
3 cans of Old Orchard Apple Raspberry Juice frozen concentrate
- 1/2 tsp Pectic Enzyme
- 1 tsp acid blend
- 3/4 tsp yeast nutrient
- 1/2 tsp yeast energizer
- 1 cup of tea
- 1 campden tablet of 1/16 tsp Potassium Metabisulfite (to sterilize jucie)
- Yeast: Montrachet or Cote's de Blanc
I usually make a 5 gallon batch, which is simply to adjust the ingredients by a factor of 5x.